
Squirting: an erotic experience with a High-Class Escort

Squirting: an erotic experience with a High-Class EscortDaniel - Jul 2024

Squirting is a phenomenon that captures the imagination of many men and women. It is also known as female ejaculation and can add an extra sensation to sexual pleasure for both the woman and the man. For women, it gives a special feeling, and for men,…

A 6 hour flight to a slice of heaven

A 6 hour flight to a slice of heavenClient TCC - Aug 2021

For me, the date starts at the very beginning of the journey. The sweet anticipation that slowly starts building up as I board the plane and becomes almost unbearable as I get off from the train a few hours later. What does she look like, what will she…

Being Joanna, being me

Being Joanna, being meJoanna - May 2021

A couple of years ago, my  life took a new, exhilarating and very different turn.  I finally made the decision to carry out my plans of becoming a high class escort… A lady of the night…me? Really? Oooh, how naughty! How dare devilish! How…

The green light

The green lightTCC - May 2021

On Wednesday 19 May, the moment we had been waiting for for so long finally arrived. Because the relief of measures the cabinet had announced the week before, finally took place. All contact professions are allowed again. Dutch sex workers and high class…


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