Marie Claire
Anne (26) tells the Marie Claire of November 2005 how she combines life as an escort girl with her studies. She has been a call girl at sophisticated escort agency Women of the World (now The Courtesan Club) for a few years now. She also expands on her experiences and that she has chosen not to tell anyone that she works as a call girl.
During the day, Anne (26) walks around at university in jeans and sneakers. In the evening she is driven to the most luxurious hotels in the Benelux in an evening dress and high heels. Because she is afraid of gossip, she doesn’t tell anyone about her secret life as a call girl. Text by Suzanne Bremmers.
An hour with me costs 250 euros
The moment I knocked on the door, I got a huge tingling sensation in my stomach
The first time I was booked, I was very nervous. The only thing I knew about the man was that he came from Scotland and that he wanted to spend four hours with me in his hotel room. Fortunately, the escort agency had informed him in advance that I had never done this before. In the taxi the nerves were running through my body. I reported to the reception and took the elevator to the second floor of a chic hotel in Amsterdam.
The moment I knocked on the door, I got a huge tingling sensation in my stomach. Luckily he looked pretty good, he had nice clothes on and a well-groomed appearance. We introduced ourselves and he took my coat. We drank champagne while sitting on the couch and talked about his work and about my studies.
In the meantime he started touching me and said I looked beautiful. After about half an hour he asked if I wanted to come and lie down on the bed. I put my bag with condoms next to me so I could reach it quickly.
I unbuttoned his pants and stroked his penis with my hand. He loosened my bra and kissed my breasts. I grabbed the condom and took his penis in my mouth after which I sat on top of him. We first moved slowly, then wildly. He turned around and lied on top of me. Slowly he moved inside me, I heard his breathing accelerate. He moaned and came. We stayed lying for a while and held each other. Then I got up to take a shower. We chatted and massaged each other.
We kissed each other goodbye
When the time was up, the escort agency called, as usual. We kissed each other goodbye, I got a big tip and he asked if I wanted to come again the next day. In the taxi on the way home I was relieved. I had had a great time, although I was tired from all the events. But I knew I wanted to do this more often.
The moment I picked up the phone and dialed the number of the escort agency to sign me up was exciting. Of course I thought about the money I was going to make, but that wasn’t the main reason at all. I was mainly looking for the excitement.
I started this job when I was 21. Pretty young, but I was sexually active early in life and always enjoyed sex. I had read an article about the high class escort agency Women of the World, which still mediates for me. It appealed to me immediately. Here I can be an independent entrepreneur and hire the agency for their services. That way I can decide for myself when I work. If a man doesn’t appeal to me, I don’t have to visit him. The agency is run by women. If something is going on, I can always tell them.
Money wasn’t the reason I started this job. You must really like it. The men who call the agency don’t just want sex. Almost all the escort girls study or have a good job as well as being a call girl. Boots over your knees, latex skirts and thick layers of makeup aren’t appealing to their customers. They want their ultimate fantasy to come true; for one night I am their girlfriend. Together you create that illusion.
I’m quite a dreamer
Once I was on an escort date with another girl with two brothers. First we had dinner and then we went to a sex shop to buy vibrators. It was a lot of fun. As if you’re out with your boyfriend. You laugh, flirt and caress his leg during dinner. Of course there are some ‘stage talents’ involved, but I can go along with it myself very well. I’m quite a dreamer.
Even during sex you pretend to be crazy about someone. I’ve been booked several times for a whole night. You do it several times during the evening, but ‘waking up together’ is also important. Sometimes you can play ‘the girlfriend’ better than others. That depends on the man. I always kiss. Once in a while I also let myself be licked and, if it’s a nice man, I can enjoy that. But there are also men I subtly direct to another place of my body or I take action myself so that he stops.
There is almost always foreplay. You cuddle, say sweet things to each other. Maybe it’s different with a real boyfriend. In that case, for example, you’re much more likely to say what you like or dislike. Some men are so excited that they rage like an animal when they’re inside me. Usually I try to think of something else, the tasks I still have to do, for example. Next time it will be very nice again and I’ll really get into the sex. Time then flies by. It’s a bit on my cycle, but most of the time I don’t need lubricant. Well, that’s saying something.
Not a very good basis for a love affair
I once seriously considered giving my cell phone number t a customer, but I didn’t. Somehow the relationship between that man and me would always be crooked. Our first meeting wasn’t a coincidence. He gave me money and I gave him my body. Not a good basis for a love affair.
Even though I could stay pretty close to myself and never did anything against my will, I was often completely exhausted in the beginning. Leading a double life was exhausting. Because I lived in a student dorm, I couldn’t leave every time in my gala dress and high heels. That would raise questions, of course. That’s why I often got dressed in the train, a lot of fuss with stockings and stuff. On top of that, the evenings themselves were tiring. I had to be fun and sociable at all times. I worked three nights a week, when I came home at night, I went straight into bed. At nine o’clock the alarm went off again and I had to go to classes.
I don’t feel that friendships are any less valuable because of my secret
In this way I kept it up for a year until I fell in love with a boy I had met when I was out one night. I couldn’t do the work I felt I was doing anymore and I quit. During sex with him, images haunted my head of the other, paid sex. I never told him. An escort girl is horny, until it’s your own girlfriend. He’d look at me in a different way. I was too afraid he wouldn’t accept me and leave. Still, I was attracted to the work. After a while, I began to miss the excitement of such an evening. After the relationship was broken up, for a completely different reason, I started again, but in a less intensive way.
Because of the fear of being shut out, I never said anything to girlfriends, let alone my parents. I find it very difficult to assess how hurtful this could be for them. Although my mother is quite open-minded, I think she wouldn’t be able to handle it because it concerns her own daughter. Even though sometimes I would like so much to say it to someone.
I don’t feel that friendships are any less valuable because of my secret. I’m sure I don’t know everything about my girlfriends’ lives either. Still, it’s very hard to keep it all from them. I sometimes have such bizarre evenings. If you’ve had sex with Dutch celebrities, or with Mick Jagger’s crew, or swam in a swimming pool in the hotel room, you want to be able to say it.
Most of all I don’t like role-playing
Sometimes less fun things happen as well. It would also be nice to be able to say this so you can process it better. Like how men know damn well that I can’t have sex without a condom and yet still ask. When I say no, they start waving extra money around like it could ever change my mind. When I know they want to do it without a condom, I pay extra attention during sex to make sure they don’t secretly take it off. Luckily, it has never happened to me before, but it’s still quite intense.
There are some things I don’t do, BDSM and anal sex for example. Most of all I don’t like role-playing. I don’t mind to walk around the room naked with only high heels. But to play a dominant type or something, I don’t get into that. That’s not in line with who I am. Besides that, sometimes the men aren’t even all that nice. In general, most of them could be my father, but I don’t really have a problem with that. Even if a man is older, there can still be something in him that makes him very attractive. That’s what I’m always looking for and almost always I find it.
Luckily I can spend a lot of time with the other escort girls
Luckily I can spend a lot of time with the other escort girls. They know exactly what happens on an escort date. A few of them have told the outside world what they do. It’s just how you deal with it. If you don’t care how people think about you, you don’t care. I don’t think the people I deal with can accept my side job. Sometimes they make remarks about prostitution. They’re mostly empty words that are not based on anything, but it still gives a picture of how people think. And I do care if I would be designated a whore.
Of course I know I am, but I can’t compare myself to a girl on the street. There’s a difference in classes. You can compare it to the brand of T-shirt you choose. You can buy a T-shirt from the Hema or a T-shirt from Ralph Lauren. It’s just how much money you have left and what you like better. Both function as shirts.
An hour with me costs 250 euros. Part of that goes to the escort agency. Most of the money I save, the rest I use to pay my studies. When I just started escort work I spent everything on holidays, dinners, clothes and going out. Even now I still tend to buy a complete design outfit, but that doesn’t really fit in with student life. It could raise questions.
I never had any regrets
On Saturdays I work in a clothing store. That’s my cover. Every student has a job, it would be weird if I had money and no work. It does make me feel weird if I have earned sixty euros at the end of a whole day and catch four times as much in one hour in the evening. Still, I am happy with my ‘normal’ side job. It keeps me in touch with reality, with normal life, just like the university where I go to every day. I can enjoy both lives. During the day I haul around in my jeans and sneakers, at night I wear the most beautiful evening dresses and high heels. Yet I don’t see my work as luxury or glamour. Now and then it seems like that, but in the end, it’s too vulgar for that.
I never had any regrets. I’m quite impulsive and if something goes wrong, or if I’ve had a less fun customer, I try to learn something from it so I can still make peace with it. Furthermore, I can separate love and sex very well. In general I’m a bit easier with sex than most women. When I feel like it, I do it. I don’t wait to meet someone I like. I attach less value to sex.
I’ve never been caught. No one’s ever found out what I do at night. If anyone asks where I was last night, I say I went out with a friend from another town and stayed with her. Next time I say I was with my mother. My roommates also have busy social lives, they’re really not watching my every move. They also don’t notice the fact that I have a lot of money at my disposal. I think it’s because they’re fairly wealthy themselves. However, every now and then I wonder: would they really have no suspicions about my other life?

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