In the magazine Ondernemen, Esther Meppelink of The Courtesan Club (then still Women of the World) claimed that in some 5-star hotels it’s sometimes difficult for call girls to get past the reception desk. The reason is – as the magazine stated – that the hotel staff often runs their own escort service. Hotel Okura strongly contests this, but Esther adds that the hotel itself probably doesn’t even know about it.
Hilton harlot or not?
Text by Frans Oremus
The legalization of the sex industry has failed
That’s the thrust of the interview in journal ‘Ondernemen’ (Business) this summer with chairman Esther Meppelink of the VER. Meppelink stated in the magazine, that’s usually a posh expression of various small businesses, that wasn’t well received by Hotel Okura Amsterdam. She stated “Even renowned hotels like the Krasnapolsky and Okura deny entrance to legal escort-girls at the desk, because they have their own escort services. Without a permit.”
But, as lawyer Margot Span, on behalf of Okura, told editor in chief André Vermeulen of ‘Ondernemen’, Okura does not have its own escort service at all. Let alone illegal. Span threatened the magazine with summary proceedings if it does not correct its previous statements. She believes that the ‘absolute nonsense’ that’s said in the magazine has been damaging for the reputation of the renowned hotel and demands an apology.
That was a bridge too far for ‘Ondernemen’ and they consequently wrote a statement with the headline: ‘No escort service in Okura’. Ouch! This makes the harm even worse, the lawyer must have thought. She writes ‘Ondernemen’ that this message helps her client ‘from the frying pan into the fire’ and demands a different statement. Vermeulen is willing to drop the headline. For the rest he sticks to his own text for the most part, in which – remarkably – Meppelink also distances herself from her statements.
How so? Does Okura have an escort service or not?
Meppelink: “There has indeed been talk of providing escort service, supported by hotel staff. But Okura’s management may not have been aware of this.”
In a reaction, Okura lawyer Span says: ‘This doesn’t make any sense either. It’s not very intelligent of Mrs. Meppelink to first admit that her statements are wrong and then say the same thing. Meppelink can expect a new letter of summons very soon.”

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